Canelo Vs. Golovkin 2 Cancel???

By Alejandro Ramirez
San Diego, Ca– The rematch between Saul “Canelo” Alvarez Vs. Gennady Golovkin has hit a significant snag that might cancel the highly much-anticipated fight that is scheduled to happen May 5th in Las Vegas Nevada.
The snag started when Alvarez tested positive twice for a ban substance in February. Small portions of Clenbuterol where found in the Mexican fighter test. Canelo team blame the positive test results on Meat Contamination in Mexico. Other Mexican athletics have had tested positive for Clenbuterol. The most famous case when the Mexican National team tested positive for the substance and blame it on Meat Contamination. The Nevada commission temporarily suspended Alverez and will have a court hearing scheduled on April 10th.
Rumors are also circulating that the T-Mobil arena is offering full refunds for anybody that purchases tickets for the event. Alvarez has been tested multiple times since the positive results and test have come back negative. Only time will tell if the fight will happen.

Alejandro Ramirez
Alejandro Ramirez
I love Boxing and the Life of LA. Breath, Eat, and Sleep Boxing.

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