Exclusive: New Released Footage Shows Dominic Breazeale Getting Punched From Behind

This animosity has been brewing for almost two years now. Deontay Wilder and Dominic Breazeale both fought on the same card. Later on at the Westin Hotel there was a confrontation. According to Breazeale, he says Deontay and his brother Marcellus started acting crazy and Breazeale’s wife asked Deontay not to act up in front of their kids. Breazeale’s wife says Deontay Wilder responded “F*** your kids.” (Allegedly).

After a back and forth of words, the people in the hotel lobby tried to defuse the situation. There are a lot of footage out there, but BoxingSocialist got their hands on a copy where at the end it seems to be showing Deontays brother running up and punching Dominic from behind.

Dominic is said to be suing Wilders people and the hotel for not having enough security.

These two will meet up May 18, 2019 on Showtime.

Watch Video for yourself and you be the JUDGE.

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